All you need to know about Lipid Profile Tests

Quite a substantial percent of cardiac arrests can be traced down to abnormal levels of cholesterol and other lipids such as triglycerides. Generally, such abnormalities in the lipid contents of your bloodstream are tracked by a set of blood tests- for which the more popular term is ‘LIPID PROFILE.’A complete Lipid Profile screens the levels of total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, and triglycerides. Exactly, when these Lipid Profile tests are to be taken, what all are included in a Lipid Profile and how it helps in your treatment- well, a lot of questions indeed. Here’s a detailed know-how of these tests,devoid of the conglomerate of medical terms, you can refer to for all the queries regarding your first Lipid Profile.
When to take the tests?
As per the recommendations, children coming in the age group of 9 to 11 years need a routine Lipid Profile to ensure a healthy lifestyle while identifying the risks of cardiac arrest, if any, at the earliest. The next in the queue are the ones belonging to the age-group of 17 to 21 years. Apart from these age groups, a Fasting Lipid Profile is recommended for the children belonging to the age group of 2 to 8 years, who are more likely to develop heart diseases owing to obesity and hereditary diabetes.
When it comes to adults, the ones with no health issues as such are recommended to get tested with the fasting lipid profile, once in every four or six years. One test for total cholesterol is common initially, but, in the case,it notifies high levels of LPD (low-density lipoprotein), then you can certainly expect a complete lipid profile, frequently. In case other risks like smoking, hereditary diabetes, hypertension, obesity and heredity of premature cardiac arrests, frequent checks of complete lipid profile are recommended.
Interpretation of the test results in a nutshell:
If a person is identified with abnormal lipid levels in the bloodstream and has other factors like diabetes, heredity cardiac issues, and diabetes, then appropriate treatment is required at the earliest. For children, the ‘total cholesterol’ levels should be ideally confined to around somewhere near 170, and that crossing 200 is considered to bean alarming rate. For the young adults, it should not go beyond 190 while 225 is considered to be the alarming rate. Children’s should have non-HDL cholesterol levels within 190 to be on the safer side while for young adults it should not go beyond 190.
So, keep track of your cardiac health with a regular LIPID PROFILE and ensure a risk-free life. Get tested here at Polo Labs!


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