What is schizophrenia? Causes and its Treatment

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder, in which patients tend to interpret things abnormally and can have hallucinations and delusions about reality. While the condition usually becomes evident in early adulthood, treatment is usually required for the entire life. Early treatment can help in preventing some of the complications.

Causes: Researchers are not completely sure as what causes schizophrenia, but genetics and brain chemistry along with other factors can be blamed together. Problems with the neurotransmitters, especially dopamine and glutamate, can be a reason behind dopamine and glutamate. For now, researchers know that dopamine and glutamate is a brain disease.

Risk factors: People with a family history of the diseases are at a higher risk. It is also known that inflammation and some of the autoimmune diseases can also trigger schizophrenia. Anything related to exposure to selected toxins or birth complications are also known factors. Taking certain drugs, especially those that are psychoactive can also alter the mind during teen years, leading to schizophrenia.

Treatment: Schizophrenia requires treatment for life, even after the basic symptoms or signs have reduced. In most cases, medications are the key to better management of symptoms while doctors also frequently rely on psychosocial therapy. Doctors try their best to use antipsychotic medications in the lowest dose, so as to reduce the side effects. Drugs meant for anxiety and depression can also be used, and it may take a few weeks to a change in the symptoms. Doctors also use second-generation antipsychotics, which are known to have reduced side effects. Daily living support is often also essential, while many patients of schizophrenia also require hospitalization.

If you know someone who has signs and symptoms of schizophrenia, ask them to see a doctor. Early treatment is the best way to control the condition, although medication is usually required for years to come. 
For more information visit Pololabs.


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