Why cholesterol tests are needed regularly and understanding its levels!

A cholesterol test is also known as the lipid profile which is an important test to get done often. Once a year, people should make sure that along with the CBC test, they get a lipid profile report too. This helps in measuring the good and bad cholesterol levels present in your body. If you have too much bad cholesterol, you can get heart disease, strokes and clogging in the arteries. It is tough to live with any cardiac disease as you are always worried about getting an attack. 
It is said that most men get heart attacks which is why, men older than 30 should get their lipid profile test done every year. Other than this, women over 35 should get a screening done to be on the safe side.

What does the test measure?
The test will show you the total cholesterol in your blood, LDL which is the low-density lipoprotein, high density, lipoprotein which is HDL and triglycerides. These few things can derive whether you need to watch your diet and control oil or not. Once you have an imbalance in your cholesterol levels, you have to become careful as it can lead to several health issues.

What are the results showing?
These levels will be shown in milligrams. The ideal result for adults is:
1. LDL should be ranging from 70 to 130 mg. The lower the number is, the better it is said to be. 
2. The total cholesterol should be not more than 200 mg. It is better if this number is less too. And if you are on the borderline like 200 or 190, you need to talk to your doctor. 
3. The HDL should be ranging from 40 to 60 mg. In this case, the higher the number, the better. 
4. Lastly, the triglycerides should be within the range of 10 to 150 mg.
If you have an imbalance of numbers, you should start getting treatment. Several other diseases like thyroid, diabetes and a few others too can play a role in why your lipid profile is not looking good. 
Get all the regular check-ups done here at POLO LABS to rule out health hazards.


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