What is ESR test? How can it help?

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a simple, low-cost, non-specific test that is used to detect inflammation that is associated with infections, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. It is a non-specific test because the elevated results show the presence of inflammation, but fail to recognize where exactly in the body the inflammation is present. Thus, the ESR can also be a result of other conditions besides inflammation. Thus, the ESR is used in combination with many other tests like C-reactive protein.
What is the principle of the test?
An erythrocyte sedimentation rate test measures the speed at which red blood cells settle at the bottom of glass test tube placed upright. If abnormal proteins are present in the blood as a result of inflammation or infection, the red blood cells clump together and sink more quickly. This will show hiked ESR value. Thus, we can know that something is not right in our body. 
What all does an ESR diagnose?
Certain inflammatory diseases
temporal arteritis
systemic vasculitis
polymyalgia rheumatic
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Inflammatory bowel syndrome
monitor disease activity and response to therapy
When is the test done?
The ESR is done when the doctors suspect a condition or disease is causing inflammation in the body.The result of the ESR tests is reported in millimetres of plasma fluid which are present at the top of the tube after one hour that is mm/hr. Along with the ESR results, many other factors such as results of other tests, clinical findings, health history of the patient must be taken into account before the treatment is suggested.
Is ESR used for kids?
In the paediatric section, the ESR test is used for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis or Kawasaki disease in the kids. It is also used to monitor these diseases.
How is the test done?
Blood is drawn from the veins with a needle, and it is sent in a veil for test. Commercially, a rapid ESR test is available, and it performs the test within 4 minutes by a centrifugal method. This is the method being used in many medical institutions. It is especially useful for emergency departments where time is a constraint.
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