Everything about Blood Cells

Blood is an extremely specialized body fluid having several components with different functions. It runs through capillaries, arteries, and veins for transportation of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and lungs. It also helps in forming blood clots for preventing excessive bleeding and blood loss. It carries antibodies and cells that help in fighting infections. Blood has a major role to play in regulating the body temperature. A normal human’s 7 percent or 8 percent body weight accounts for blood.
A blood cell can be referred as haemocyte or a haematopoietic cell. Blood cells together make blood. This means that blood is made up of blood cells. The common types of blood cells are mentioned below:
•    Red Blood Cells
•    White Blood Cells
•    Platelets

Functions of the Three Blood Cells

Each of these cells has different functions which are equally important to an individual. We are going to discuss them further:
Red Blood Cells:
They are also called erythrocytes which account for 40 to 50 per cent of the total blood composition. The levels may be different for men and women. These cells may live for about 120 days and get replaced by new cells that are produced in the individual’s bone marrow. Haemoglobin, a pigmented molecule, is responsible for the red colour. The main function of these cells is to carry oxygen and other nutrients throughout the body and also to deliver carbon dioxide from every tissue to the lungs for exhalation.
White Blood Cells:
White blood cells are also referred as leukocytes. They are much lesser in number as compared to red blood cells. They are of five different types of white blood cells that work together for protecting the body from tumours, viruses, and bacteria. The common of all is neutrophils.
They are called thrombocytes as they are cell fragments than whole cells. Their function is to clump together at the area of injury for forming blood clots. They serve as a base for growing new tissue and letting the injured area heal.
BLOOD Smear:
Blood smear is conducted to identify any abnormalities in the functioning of blood cells. It focuses on these three types of blood cells. Get tested here at POLO LABS!


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