How Your Blood Type Influences Your Health

It is quite intriguing to know how our blood types has a role to play in your health. We can bring changes in our diet or workout regimes but changing our blood type is not nearly possible. The blood type is determined by the certain form of microscopic substances which are normally inherited from parents. They are known to live on the surface of the red blood cells. When they interact with the body’s immune system, they can make us susceptible to certain ailments and diseases. 

Here are some revelations of what different blood types can bring about in people. 

Memory Problems - Having the blood type AB can put you at a risk of having cognitive impairment as stated by research in a journal called Neurology. Older ones might have problems related to recalling items in a list or learning which is considered to be a standard test of cognitive performance. Many hypotheses have been suggested, yet the exact reasons are not yet understood.

Stomach Cancer - Yet another bad news for people those having the blood type AB as they also have a risk of about 26 percent as compared to blood type O or B for acquiring stomach cancer. This has been concluded by a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. The risk would be 20 percent higher in case you have the blood type A. 
As studies say that the blood type A or AB has a heightened immune reaction to a type of bacteria found in the gut called H. Pylori, this, in turn, increases the risk of having stomach cancer.
Ulcers - The same bacteria described in the previous section can increase the chances of having ulcers in people having the blood type O as research suggests. The immunological response of the body is somehow altered by this blood group which results in ulcers.
Heart Disease - As compared to other blood groups, the chances of developing a heart disease are lowered by 23 percent in people having the blood type O. This finding was supported by the Harvard School of Public Health. People having the blood type B and AB are at the greatest risk of having a heart disease. 
The role may be big or small, but being aware and taking precautions is the key to healthy living. Get Checked on regular basis and have your blood tests within 3 months. 


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