What is Scarlet Fever?
Scarlet fever is a form of infection that can develop in patients
suffering from strep throat. Also known as scarlatina, scarlet fever patients
usually have red rash on the body with high fever. The bacteria that cause
strep throat - A Streptococcus bacteria - are also the reason behind the
condition. Scarlatina is mostly seen in kids, aged between 5 and 15. Occurrence
of scarlet fever has reduced with time, even though strep throat is still a
common condition – a
fact that researchers are confused about.
Symptoms: As
mentioned, the most common symptom of scarlet fever is a rash that almost
resembles sunburn. The rash usually appears on the chest and stomach, later
spreading to other body parts. Scarlet fever can last for about a week, after
which the affected skin peels off. Patients may have other symptoms, like red
streaks around armpits, red and sore throat, flushed face, high fever,
headaches, and nausea. Please note that the condition is contagious and can
spread through sneeze and cough of an infected person.
Diagnosis and treatment: Typical
diagnosis includes a physical examination, after which samples can be collected
for analysis. The treatment involves antibiotics, which help in killing the
bacteria. The doctor will usually recommend a complete course of antibiotics,
which must be completed. Since high fever is common, medications like ibuprofen
can be suggested, while treatment can be suggested to ease sore throat. Please
note that no vaccine for scarlet fever is available as yet, although research
is underway. Doctors
recommend good hygiene as one of the best ways to prevent the condition. If the
patient has itching, OTC medications can be used. Scarlet fever patients
usually prefer having warm teas and soups, which helps in reducing pain of the
sore throat. If you see signs of high fever with rash, consult a doctor
immediately and get checked here at POLO LABS.
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