What is Insulin? What does it do to human body?

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas in our body. It permits our body to use sugar from carbohydrates that is present in the food that we intake. It also helps the body to store glucose for future. Insulin is the main hormone which is responsible for the maintenance of normal blood sugar level. If the blood sugar level increases, it is called hyperglycaemia, and if it decreases it is called hypoglycaemia.

Our body is made of many cells. These cells need energy to perform their functions. Energy is supplied to them in the form of sugar. This sugar is obtained from the food that we eat. As soon as we eat food, the sugar in the food enters the blood. Our blood sugar levels increase. The beta cells in the pancreas receive signals to release insulin hormone into our bloodstream. These insulin molecules signal cells to absorb sugar that is present in the bloodstream. Thus, the cells receive their energy. Without the production of insulin, the cells will not be able to absorb the energy. 
If the sugar in your bloodstream is more than necessary, the insulin helps your body to store the sugar in your liver so that it can be released when the blood sugar level is low and there is necessity of sugar in your body. Insulin balancesthe blood sugar levels.
In diabetic patients, the pancreas cannot secrete insulin. When the body does not produce enough insulin, it results in hyperglycaemia, which has ill effects on the body.
There are three types of diabetestype 1 ,type 2 and gestational diabetes.
People with type 1 diabetes are unable to produce insulin because the beta cells in their pancreas are damaged. Such people need insulin injections so that their blood sugar level is balanced.People with type 2 diabetes are resistant to insulin. Such people need insulin injections to process sugar and prevent long-term complications. Usually such people are given oral medications. Balanced diet and exercise also are helpful in maintaining a healthy blood sugar level. Gestational diabetes is due to insulin blocking hormones produced during pregnancy. This type of diabetes only occurs during pregnancy.

Various types of insulin are available in the drug store, and you can take it according to your doctor’s advice. Get checked your
diabetes regularly at POLO LABS!


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